The talos principle messengers
The talos principle messengers


I can travel to specific points of the world’s map that are vocally “disallowed” by Elohim.


It seems clear that the android I’m controlling(?) is intelligent and wants to know more its world and itself. Within each region, computer terminal give out information that ranges from Greek mythologies to one science team’s work to preserve humanity (as we knew it) in its final hours. While you have no name, you are led by a “creator’s” voice that goes by Elohim. In addition to finding and solving sigil puzzles, the game also offers up a backstory for the world you inhabit. There are no timers to worry about or punishiments for getting things wrong you solve at your own pace in peace.

the talos principle messengers

And if you run into trouble, you can easily reset your work within the area or exit the area entirely to try again. Progressing through the game means reaching and solving more complex puzzles with an increasing arsenal of puzzle-solving mechanisms – each particular puzzle area will show you what to expect and what you’re seeking beforehand. Troublesome turrets are another, as are non-exploding drones that serve as obstacles. Indeed, drones, which can sense you and blow up if you get too close, are just one of the “enemies” within the game. Your goal is to find and retrieve different (Tetris-like) sigils from each level, as the sigils are required to (1) open up further areas in the game and (2) allow access to the game’s various puzzle-solving mechanisms, such as jammers that help open doors and disable pesky drones, and boxes that allow access to high regions or can be used to block or trap drones. “Egypt” is just one of the places to which you can “travel” in the game.ĭescribed by the developers as “philosophical first person puzzle game,” The Talos Principle drops you (an android) in the middle of a world populated by at least three (maybe more, but three is all I’ve found so far) smaller worlds that contain several individual levels, and it’s in these levels that the “philosophical” puzzles lie.

the talos principle messengers

I hope to keep going with The Talos Principle. But the thing of it is that the internal reward of solving puzzles tends to override my general bafflement, so I keep going, as I kept going with the Portal games, thankfully. If anything comes from my attempts at puzzling, it’s usually a headache. Puzzle games tend to set both halves of my brain at odds, with the creative side finding them fulfilling, while the mathematical side battles with frustration. As I said, I’ve always had a tough time with puzzle games, and that was certainly true with my first playthroughs of Portal and Portal 2. Because at the time, the only similar puzzle games I had under my belt were the Portal titles. And what are you going to do about it?Īnd yet, pass it up I did.

the talos principle messengers


Tasked by your creator with solving a series of increasingly complex puzzles, you must decide whether to have faith, or to ask the difficult questions: Who are you? What is your purpose. Between trailers, gameplay, and Croteam’s own thought-provoking description of the game…Īs if awakening from a deep sleep, you find yourself in a strange, contradictory world of ancient ruins and advanced technology. (No pun intended.)Ĭase in point, when this intriguing Croteam/Devolver Digital title first released in 2014, I was immediately enamored of its mystique. And that I’m bad at puzzle games, even though I like them in principle. I’m not sure what this might say about my gaming tendencies generally, only that my recent years in gaming have shown that I’m super cautious about picking up new titles. After putting in a solid dozen or so hours into The Talos Principle, I can safely say that I remain both delighted and intimidated by puzzle games of this sort.

The talos principle messengers